Friday, August 19, 2011

Wade Reminds LeBron Who is Leader

Dave Pruitt, Sports Emerge

Dwyane Wade is averaging 29 points, 8.7 rebounds & 5 assist with LeBron James averaging 20.3 points, 6.7 rebounds & 6 assist throughout the 3 games of the NBA Finals.  With the game on the line LeBron passed the ball to Mario Chalmers only for him to lose control & turn the ball over.  Immediately, Wade got LeBron’s attention by giving him a shove or 2 & getting in his face reminding him that he’s won a championship before, mainly giving LeBron direction.  LeBron didn’t have that in Cleveland with the Cavs, he didn’t have someone as equally as talented as him getting in his face in the 2007 Finals against the San Antonio Spurs in which they were swept.  Let’s not forget that Dwyane Wade is actually the older of the two superstars 2 years, 11 months & 13 days older to be exact.  Along with having more experience in the Finals he also is like the older brother.  Wade being seemingly more laid-back of an idividual maintained his teams focus by continuously attacking the paint, avoiding long low quality shots like they took  late in Game 2.  Wade said “he led by example” keeping the focus on Coach Erik Spoelstra’s emphasis that taking 30 three-pointers is NOT at all the Heats identity.   The Heat reduced the 3-point attempts by ll shots hitting 8 of 19 in Game 3 instead of  going 9 of 30 as they did in Game 2.

Miami was playing like a desperate team with Mario Chalmers who has been an unsung hero in the Finals series, averaging 11 points a game while hitting shots when they matter.  He kept the Heat in the game hitting 4 major 3 point shots & keeping the Dallas crowd calm letting Dwyane Wade operate with the momentum staying equal between the teams throughout the game. 
Actions speak louder than words,” cliche but in Game 3 it was a proven fact with the leaders of their respective teams stepping up & taking the reigns.   Late in the 4th Qtr. it was a 1-on-1 matchup between Dirk Nowitzki & Dwyane Wade answering each others call & trading baskets.  Dirk tied the game 84-84 with 3 minutes left in the 4th with a back door cut & slam set up by Jason Kidd capping another Mavs 4th Qtr. comeback.  At that point it began to become reminiscent of Game 2 giving the Miami Heat fans the thought of “here we go” like Bud Light but in a negative way.   Wade knowing that it was his time to perform came back down court & crossed up Kidd, pulled up & drained a 17 footer putting the Heat back in the lead 86-84.  Dirk with the “my turn” mentality took Udonis Haslem of the dribble with his bad left hand & rose up with his patented one leg jumpshot & buried it tying the game once again 86-86 with 1:40 to play in the game.  He had the “eye of the tiger” as he strolled back towards his bench with confidence after scoring the Mavs last 12 points.  With 39.6 seconds remaining in this crucial game tied at 86 LeBron had a decision to make, take it himself or find a teammate.  The seemingly timid little sibling of the Big 3 as in Chris Bosh with a swolen left eye suffered after being poked by Jason Kidd early in the game was LeBron’s choice.  Bosh had a rough night going 6 of 17 from the field up to this point.  He who also needed some strong words of encouragement & criticism after passing up on a shot that he normally takes minutes before, received a niffty behind the back pass, focused with his one good eye & silenced the crowd with a clutch shot from the left wing.  Putting the Heat in the lead 88-86 & left Dallas with a chance to take the last shot.

Everyone watching the game knew who’s hands the ball was going to end up in.  4.4 seconds left on the clock & Rick Carlisle drew up an inbound play placing Dirk at the top of the key where he does some of his finest work.  Jason Kidd the oldest point guard to start in the NBA Finals was the distributor with a perfect pass to Dirk with Haslem checking him, Dirk spun left, got a good look & faded back off his one leg & time seemed to slow down as he released with Haslem nearly fouling him.  The ball rotated ever so slowly going towards the rim &…. (wait on it) CLANK!!!  A shot that he has mastered throughout his career did not fall in this timely instance.  The Heat take the series lead 2-1 winning Game 3 88-86 with 2 upcoming games in Dallas.

Jason Terry is physically on the court but mentally elsewhere, Dirk still is the only consitant force on the Mavs team.  LeBron James is shutting Terry down with his quickness & athleticism.  What LeBron is not doing on the offensive side he makes up for defensively.   Dirk is averaging 28.3 points a game while his Snipers (Kidd, Terry, Peja) who are apparently out of bullets are averaging together only 23 points a game during the Finals.  The only player stepping up & contributing is Shawn Marion who has found his youth averaging 15.3 points, 7.3 rebounds & 3.3 assist, however he struggled in Game 3 going 4 of 12 from the field scoring only 10 points.  J.J. Barea has been abscent as far as production scoring 6 points on 2 of 8 shooting along with 4 turnovers not helping when he’s replacing Jason Kidd when he goes to the bench.  Dirk needs help & he’s not getting it like he did in the Western Conference Finals against OKC Thunder.  Dallas won’t win this series as a one man team going up against the Heat who we thought was a team with just 2 great superstars.  Now they are getting contributions from everybody, even Mike Bibby who is 5 of 11 from 3-point land in the last 2 games.  The Heat are gelling their styles together at a perfect time, in the Finals.  Mario Chalmers becoming a force from behind the arch & Udonis Haslem coming in & playing stellar defense on Dirk down the stretch when Erik Spoelstra assigns him to.

Since the 2-3-2 format was placed in 1985 when the series is tied 1 to 1, the team who wins Game 3 has gone on to win the series 11 times.  Will that hold true again in this physical battle filled with superstars?
Something to watch for, Dirk looked like he was irritated by an issue with his shooting hand midway through the game, wasn’t a factor down the stretch but may play a part if it tightens up before Game 4.

Game 4 in Dallas on ABC Tuesday, June 7th 9pm ET

It is what it is…

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I speak for the fans; why we think lockouts are outrageous

Also at
Dave Pruitt

Growing up under the guidance of my Father, a Vietnam Vet; along side my bestfriend, my influence, my brother, who currently serves in our great Air Force & has since 1995, proudly… I have learned about WHAT MATTERS.
With July 4th approaching, I thought I would take my opprotunity to THANK all the people serving our GREAT COUNTRY made great by their duty.  Without them there will be no NFL or NBA, nor anything that a  regular persons considers valuable.  I say regular person in regards to versus the extraordinary person who faces the possibility of death regularly.

With my brother scheduled to go to some area in Afghanistan I began to analyze my own life.  I noticed, I am able to FREELY pursue my goals due to what my brother & others serving in the armed forces are experiencing on a daily basis.  Immediately after that thought, I also realizeded that everybody living in the United States owes the Soldiers the same respect.
As close as I’ve come to what a soldier could experience was via my Play Station 3.  Using the NETFLIX ap, I watched a movie (documentary) titled “Restrepo” about soldiers serving in Afghanistan & their extreme conditions faced which I will not cover in full detail.  Reality TV which truly described the meaning of reality.  The truth of what our US soldiers feel living amongst a constent threat.  The soldiers curiousity of whether or not they would be alive the next day.  This is the same place my brother is going.
Back home what is the issue?  Whether or not the overwhelming amount of money the NFL, NBA, & Dodgers is making or not making sufficient enough for whomever.

I promised myself that I would not even touch the issue of the NFL & NBA lockouts because I thought it was ridiculous & outrageous.  I thought it was an insult to the fans, to the people that go to work everyday not REALLY wanting to.
How is it that fans manage a way to watch their favorite team no matter the cost of a ticket, a cable or satellite bill with the intentions of focusing on something other than their problems?
How does a soldier go in to a battle zone knowing his job is a million times harder than the regular civilian football & basketball owners & players arguing over millions & billions of dollars?
How does a fan that has never experienced a lockout perceive the greed of people doing what they LOVE to do & then asking for more?  When they perform jobs & earn the money which in turn is what makes it possible for the millionaires & billionaires to keep adding to their bank accounts?
Think about it…
The GREED displayed by the organiztions, owners & players is not worth the time of the fan.
Your fans include Soldiers that are paid significantly less than a NFL, NBA or anything else which is considered to be a fun JOB.
Players, your TALENT is NOT AT ALL worth a soldiers life nor is an  Owners billions of dollars.
I COULDN”T SPEND A MILLION IN 10 YEARS & why would I if there is people like my brother doing their job NOT FOR THE MONEY?
Money, cars, houses, jewelry, & what you wear; is it really what every NON-SOLDIER is concerned about & every real SOLDIER giving up their life for?
Billions & millions compared to LIFE, what’s your values?
The SOLDIERS are entitled & deserve every dollar that OWNERS & PLAYERS make in the NFL & NBA…
It is what it is…

LeSean McCoy: Hiding behind Twitter

Also at Sports Emerge

Are you serious?  You can’t be, did you really just type what I think you typed?  “Oh no you didn’t….”  What you type about my “Mama’?” 
Insults via Twitter are becoming a more common place.  People usually of the younger generation has taken it upon themselves to use Twitter to express their frustrations with their adversarys.  I began noticing this phenomenon with these young immature rappers exchanging their “Thug Talk” using the social media as a vehicle.  I think it’s hilarious…
LeSean McCoy, the running back of the Philadelphia Eagles decided to air out his opinion while hiding behind Twitter about Osi Umenyiora.  According to McCoy, Osi is soft & the 3rd best defensive lineman on the New York Giants.  This all coming after Osi tweeted out some info about his personal financial situation with the Giants.  Basically,  McCoy’s tweet had nothing to do with nothing other than his anomosity toward’s Osi.
As Ochocinco would say, “Child Please…” 
Osi responded saying, “I mean, he’s a girl, man. Who does stuff like that?” Osi said, reported by Mike Garafolo, The Star Ledger. “If he has more of these things to say, he can say ‘em to my face.  Don’t be no Twitter gangster man.”
Twitter gangster, WOW!  I’m not that far removed from LeSean McCoy’s generation but back in  my day, issues were resolved face to face.  When there is beef, you man up; you don’t talk mess via the internet, atleast I didn’t & never will.
With their respective teams being hated rivals it is apparent that the issue was born between the hash marks.
“Yeah, me and him, we had words on the field — both times we played. I hate him, he hates me, period,” Osi said.
Hate is a strong word, so this anomosity is more than real.  Osi explained that there is a lot of hatred between the teams, more so last season but it was an on field war.  Now McCoy has went a step further.
“He chose to take that off the field and make it public when it’s something that’s between me and him,” Osi said.  ”It’s something we can address on the football field. He let the whole world know about it, so I’m going to respond.”
Osi’s teammate’s has his back, in particular WR Steve Smith who tweeted in response to the McCoy’s Twitter claims.
“The nerve of certain youngins running their mouth. Please don’t forget.”  With the tweet came a picture of Eli Manning and Tom Coughlin in jubilation after their Super Bowl win over the New England Patriots.  There was another photo next to it of a empty Eagles trophy case.
I think Steve Smith wins the Twitter wars.  LeSean McCoy may be writing a “Check his ass can’t cash.”  McCoy realizes he has to see the Giants 2 times a year, & he has to run the ball against Osi & his teammates.  He better hope that his offensive line protects him; on the field & not on Twitter.
Justin Tuck one of the other defensive lineman for the Giants that McCoy has to deal with added his theory on the Mike & Mike morning.  “I honestly think social media has made people cowards, where I’m from, if you have a problem with somebody you say it to their face.”  He continued, “People are hiding behind computers & smart phones.”
Poor kid…  Good luck LeSean, I think you just made it very hard for yourself.
It is what it is…

Who wants to get involved in the Brady vs. Manning debate?

Dave Pruitt, Sports Emerge

Peyton Williams Manning & Thomas Edward Patrick “Tom” Brady Jr. are the 2 most valuable Quarterbacks over the last decade; in the world.  One, the 1st overall pick & the other 199th pick in their respective NFL drafts.  Both are the face of their franchise, both bear the dignity of their cities & their fans.  Both demonstrate impeccable leadership under the most extreme game situations, often securing a victory when it’s finished.
They have both won Superbowls with 2 of the most heralded coaches to ever coach the game.  Bill Belichick, the mastermind behind the dynasty that has been built in New England & Tony Dungy the former Colts coach, a mentor to many & the 1st African-American head coach to win the Superbowl.
Tom Brady of the New England Patriots can be considered as Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts arch nemesis, that were actually friends & may still be, but I doubt it.  Brady & the Patriots used to be the reason Manning wasn’t seen as he is today.  Brady was Mannings hump that he could not get over.
They were Manning’s “kryptonite” through 2003-2005  beating him 4 times over a period of 15 months ultimately leading to consecutive Superbowl victories.  Eventually Manning paid back the favor in the 2006-2007 season after they met in the AFC Championship game when the Patriots jumped ahead 21-3 before Manning came back the 2nd half scoring 32 points to rip the win away.  Manning went on to win his 1st Superbowl against Lovie Smith’s Chicago Bears.
Brady accomplished 100 career victories expeditiously.  Quicker than any quarterback ever with Manning being the 5th fastest.  Brady has the highest winning percentage of all other QB’s with 100 or more wins which includes the regular season & playoffs at .776 (125-36).  The closest winnig percentage at .711 (133-54) by Joe Montana.
Brady & Manning top the list of greatest seasons by a QB, Brady being 1 & Manning being 2 with some familiar names behind them.  The following: Dan Marino, Kurt Warner, Steve Young, Randall Cunningham, Drew Brees, Brett Favre & last but not least Joe Montana.  Tom Brady falls on this list twice at #1 &#6.
Measured by conventional metrics (passing yards, touchdowns/interceptions, yards per attempt, QB rating and wins):
1. 2007  Tom Brady (16 G): 4,806 yards, 50 TDs, 8 INTs, 9.4 YPA, 117.2 rating, 16 wins.
2. 2004 Peyton Manning (16 G): 4,557 yards, 49 TDs, 10 INTs, 9.2 YPA, 121.1 rating, 12 wins.
3. 1984 Marino (16 G): 5,084 yards, 48 TDs, 17 INTs, 9.0 YPA, 108.9 rating, 14 wins.
4. 1999 Warner (16 G): 4,830 yards, 41 TDs, 13 INTs, 8.7 YPA, 109.2 rating, 13 wins.
5. 1994 Young (15 G): 3,969 yards, 35 TDs, 10 INTs, 8.6 YPA, 112.8 rating, 13 wins.
6. 2010 Brady (16 G): 3,900 yards, 36 TDs, 4 INTs, 7.9 YPA, 111.0 rating, 14 wins.
7. 1998 Cunningham (14 G): 3,704 yards, 34 TDs, 10 INTs, 106.0 rating, 13 wins.
8. 2009 Brees (15 G): 4,388 yards, 34 TDs, 11 INTs, 8.5 YPA, 109.6 rating, 13 wins.
9. 2009 Favre (16 G): 4,202 yards, 33 TDs, 7 INTs, 7.9 YPA, 107.2 rating, 12 wins.
10. 1989 Montana (13 G): 3,521 yards, 26 TDs, 8 INTs, 9.1 YPA, 112.4 rating, 11 wins.
Manning known as the field general, some times makes the viewer question whether or not he even needs a head coach.  Williams should not be his middle name; it should be Audible due to his great ability to recognize a defense & change his original play call to exploit the opposing defense with regularity.
Derrick Mason of the Baltimore Ravens seems to think that Manning is the better of the 2 QBs looking how the teams would perform without their super star QB in the lineup.
Mason spoke on a Baltimore radio station stating, “What player do I take off the team that would change that team dramatically, I only know one player & that’s Peyton Manning; you take Tom Brady off New England they showed they can go 11-5.”  Skeptically he continued, “Now… You take Peyton Manning of the the Colts?  I don’t know where that team goes offensively.”
I was always the kind of guy who believed in the “Stats Don’t Lie” theory.  When comparing the stats that should end all judgement you look at playoff victories, amount of MVP awards, Pro Bowl selections, Superbowl MVPs & ultimately Superbowl victories.
With both Brady & Manning playing in 19 playoff games, Brady has a definite lead with a record of 14-5 & Manning with a record of 9-10.  Brady has 2 NFL MVP awards while Manning has 4.  I don’t see how this is possible but Brady has only 6 Pro Bowl selections to Manning’s 11.  Maybe, because Manning is a more likeable guy, I mean he really is, I’m just sayin’…  Brady has 2 Superbowl MVPs to Manning’s 1.
With all that considered what puts the icing on the cake is their record in Superbowl wins & losses.  Brady is 3-1 with his loss ironically coming in a near perfect season after going 18-0 & losing to Peyton’s brother Eli.  Talk about little brother’s revenge, manufacturing a drive involving an incredible hand & helmet catch by David Tyree with the game ending touchdown by Plaxico Burress.  Noticing the  3 degrees of seperation…  To top it all off Peyton & the Colts won the Superbowl the year before after beating Brady.
We all can say the Colts without Manning is nothing & the Patriots can get it done without Brady, going to the playoffs with Matt Cassel.  With that in mind, we can’t dismiss that  Brady has won Superbowls with John Doe receivers, David Givens & Deion Branch are nearly forgotten after leaving Brady’s leadership.  Brady revived Randy Moss’ career & made a beast out of Wes Welker.
Peyton Manning has had some some decent talent, we all know a guy by the name of Marvin Harrison & not because of the shooting.  There was also Edgerrin James & now there is Reggie Wayne & Dallas Clark.
You could possibly add in that Manning plays his home games in a dome compared to Brady plays his home games outside in the Boston area where it likes to snow.
As much as I personally like Peyton, I almost hate to say this but as a journalist you “gotta’ ” state the facts, & the fact of the matter is Brady earned 3 Superbowl rings & Manning has only 1.
So I’ll leave the debate up to you.
It is what it is…

During the NFL lock out, Chad plans to wrestle alligators

Chad Ochocinco of the Cincinnatti Bengals had 813 receiving yards & 4 toucdowns last season, not very impressive for a WR who was once known as one of the best.  He is a well known public figure seemingly more so than a Professional Football Player.  Known for his antics in the NFL on & off the field from dancing in the endzone to a reality TV show, to trying out for a soccer team & now performing incredile acts of bravery or just completely INSANE attempts for attention.
I’ve enjoyed watching Ochocinco over the years; whoever can make me laugh I normally don’t have a problem with.  However, lately Ochocinco has caused a bit of concern about his extra curricular activities during the NFL lock out.  Some of the other players has done some questionable things during the offseason but Ochocinco’s latest venture exceeds all expectations & not in a positive way.  I believe this is his way of showing spite for the NFL.
First he tried out for a MLS soccer team followed by Professional Bull Riding where he came close to being on one of those “When Diasaster Strikes” episodes with the bull nearly trampling his head.
NFL Network aired a recent interview with Chad in Cincinnatti where he told the viewers his future endeavors.
Referring to a statement made by his coach Mike Brown, he said, “Mike Brown said ‘What’s he going to do next wrangle snakes?’ So I just one upped him.”  Speaking quickly, “I’m going to go wrestle ALLIGATORS…”
Finding his response hilarious, the person conducting the interview slightly interrupted with a chuckle & was quickly corrected by Ochocinco.
He said, “Don’t laugh, like; I’m SERIOUS …”  He continued.  “It’s pretty dangerous, I can lose an arm, lose a leg, but so is bull riding.  The chance of me getting hurt on the bull is similar to anyone of us winning the lottery, it’s slim to none.”  Assuring his fans, “and the samething with the alligator, if he bites me I can still play with one arm, I can kick, I can kick; seriously.” 
You may have a point Chad but there is a better chance of me not being trampled by bull hooves or eaten by an alligator walking up to a counter to buy a lottery ticket.
That’s like me going in to a dark alley & just standing there; trying my chances of getting mugged, beaten & robbed.  I stand there long enough it’ll happen.
If Chad Ochocinco keeps seeking this type of attention he eventually will be laid up in a hospital somewhere, with everybody thinking, “I told you so…”
Dear NFL,
Bring back football before Ochocinco kills himself.
P.S. Pretty please
It is what it is…

Reggie Wayne’s lock out offseason & response to teammates injuries

Dave Pruitt, Sports Emerge
Reggie Wayne used to be Peyton Manning’s other receiver; his number 2 behind Marvin “I got a Gun” Harrison.  No longer.  Reggie Wayne has come through the lingering shadow of Marvin with exceptional grace.
Peyton Manning is known to make receivers as Tom Brady is known to do in New England.  Reggie Wayne performed his talent silently behind the highlight of the Manning & Harrison connection.  Wayne drafted in 2001 by the Indianapolis Colts became number 1 to Manning  after Marvin Harrison asked for and was granted his release.  Ensuing a gun issue Harrison’s name was involved in… & I rather not go in to.
As did his former teammate at the U (University of Miami) Ed Reed; Reggie Wayne met with ESPN’s Ed Werder for a chat.
Wayne explained to Werder how his offseason has been since the lock out.  “It’s been the same for me, been working out at the University of Miami.”
Jokingly, “Only show up to mandatory stuff; right now everybody is on my program.  Now everybody gots to be their own judge… So easy to say ‘I’m not gonna’ work out today’ & miss a workout; compared to when you have to be at your facility workout at 9, or whatever the case may be & get fined.
Ed Werder wanted to know how Wayne felt about working out at his home facility in the& how it was different.
Wayne, expressing his comradery. “We all wanna’ see each other succeed.  We all wanna’ do good, & we always pump each other up.”  He continued, “the workouts, it is  just what it is.  A University of Miami workout; it’s tough out there in the heat, ILOVE IT, I’ve been doing it for 11 years.”
With a cliche, “If it’s not BROKE don’t try & FIX it…”
Wayne was questioned about his quarterback Peyton Manning’s surgeries on his neck and responded differently to the same question Werder asked Ed Reed of the Baltimore Ravens.
Related Article:

Ed Reed: A man with his priorities straight

Wayne responded, “I felt like he’ll be alright, I’m sure He can handle it… He’s been through the procedure once already, I’m sure he has the right guys behind him; therapy wise, that can get him READY TO GO.” 
Over my years of watching Peyton play, everybody knows he is ready despite having only 1 Superbowl ring; he & Marvin Harrison managed to beat out Steve Young & Jerry Rice’s record of greatest touchdown tandems.
Now, Peyton has another legitimate tandem evolving infront of the NFL fans’ eyes.  Over the 7 years Reggie Wayne played along side Harrison he averaged 997.7 yards, 70.6 receptions & 6.7 touchdowns a season.  The 2 years without Harrison & with a core of new young receivers he’s averaged 1309.5 yards, 105.5 receptions & 8 touchdowns.
Reggie Wayne is now surely the number 1 receiver in Indianapolis with a great tight end in Dallas Clark who Ed Werder referenced in the interview in regards to the injuries that plagued the Colts last season.
“When we lost Dallas (Clark), that was tough.  (Austin) Collie concussion situations, was tough.  It just meant everyone else had to step it up a lil’ bit more.”
Austin Collie suffered a couple of nasty concussions during the 2010-2011 season, the season of  HEAD SHOTS.  Wayne was asked about his concern of the Collie concussions.
Wayne with compassion, “Once you get one, it’s always easy to get another…  I just hope it doesn’t shut him down earlier than he anticipated.”
He continued, “It’s tough to see a young guy (get hurt like that) who has all the potential in the world… Hopefully he can put all that stuff behind & get movin’ from it.”
Werder asked if Wayne would keep playing after the severity of the concussions suffered by Austin Collie, similar to the question he asked Ed Reed about Peyton Manning’s neck surgeries. 
Wayne responded, “I’ve been doing this since I was 7 yrs old, man.  Ya’ know, this is my bread & my meat; this is what I do.”
He finished, “I would keep going, as long as I could understand what is going on & I know all my kids names.”
The perspectives of the all the individuals playing in the NFL differ, we tend to forget they’re human too.  They have their priorities & values as well.
Ed Reed of the Ravens & Reggie Wayne of the Colts both attended the University of Miami, but both played different positions, one defense, one offense.  Reed drafted in ’02 & Wayne in ’01 also have different perspectives on the injuries that are almost sure to occur throughout a NFL players career.  However, they are both great contributors to the game of football.
I conclude with “END THE DAMN LOCK OUT!”
Interview held by Ed Werder at ESPN:
It is what it is…

Tiki Barber wants back in the NFL at the age of 36… Say What?

Dave Pruitt, Sports Emerge
Tiki Barber was once a force coming out of the back field for the New York Giants as a primetime NFL running back.  He walked away from the game because the lack of passion at the end of the 2006 NFL postseason as the New York Giants’ all-time rushing and reception leader.  He was 31 and he retired?
I’m 30 & I feel like I’m just now starting, I’m in my prime baby!
This isn’t about me but Barber left the game to chase his dream to become a correspondent for NBC’s The Today Show and Football Night in America/Sunday Night Football.
When I heard he was leaving to do broadcasting I thought, “hell, if you say so.” 
But when I saw his first broadcast I thought, “he’s horrible… He ain’t gonna’ make it.”
Sure enough he disappeared from our TV screens until he spoke to Armen Keteyian on HBO’s Real Sports about his return to the NFLReturning after sitting out 4 years & at the age of 36, a feat that no running back has ever accomplished.
So what… On March 8, 2011, Barber filed papers with the NFL to come out of retirement.
Barber started, “I need to prove to myself that I can be successful at something.  I know I’m going to be successful at something.”
Something skeptics thinks will not turn out well, Mark Schlerith on ESPN’s NFL Live comparing Barber’s return to Plaxico Burress’, “but Tiki Barber been away for 4 years, Man.  I can’t imagine coming back after 4 years & getting hit by people.”
He expressed seemingly concerned for Tiki, “the running back postion, let’s face it even if you touch the ball 10 times a game, guess what.  You’re getting hit 10 times a game by 10 guys at once.”
Schlerith continued, “I mean it’s one of those positions that beats you down… and you know he may make it for a while but it’s going to beat you up.”
My sentiments exactly, being that the running back position is the most short lived position in the NFL.  He left in the 1st place because he didn’t want to do it, after he gets hit a couple times I wonder if he’ll be reminded & just leave again.  Like in the middle of a game or something, get hit by someone like a Ray Lewis & peel himself of the gridiron & walk straight out the gate.
If he did…  That would be hilarious.
In the interview on HBO Real Sports Barber continued to explain his position, “The Game never needs you, because there is always someone else to come take your place, but right now I need the Game.”
Yeah Tiki, tell me about, doesn’t everybody? (End the lock out.)
Barber expressed how he felt when he was asked about the fans & him leaving.  “I felt like, (people) they were trying to dictate what I should do with my life.  ‘How dare you walk away from it.’”  Sternly, “I tell you how I dare, because I don’t want to do it anymore, I don’t have the passion to do it anymore & it rubbed people the wrong way.”
Your broadcast skills rubbed me the wrong way, you just wasn’t good, didn’t have the personality for TV.  I’m just sayin’… 
I don’t believe Tiki Barber will survive his second shot in the NFL.  This is the year of revive your career in the NFL with Barber joining Plaxico Burress & Donovan McNabb on their comeback journey.
Oh, McNabb didn’t go any where & according to him, he’ll prove it to the fans & journalist this upcoming season, he reffered to as “special.” We’ll see McNabb, I just don’t believe you’ve ever recovered from your T.O. experience.
I digress, let’s welcome Tiki Barber back with open arms into the NFL labor agreement.  I wish the old guy luck, hopefully much better luck than with his broadcasting career even he  feels was a “failure.”  Indeed.
It is what it is…